Willmot Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 2478 people living in Willmot. 50.5% are male and 49.5% are female. Willmot has a population of 269 indigenous people.

Willmot Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1214.9%
Indigenous Males1486.0%
Indigenous Population26910.9%
Females born in Australia86634.9%
Males born in Australia86735.0%
People born in Australia173369.9%
Female Population122749.5%
Male Population125150.5%
Total Population2478100%

Willmot (NSW) Population Pyramid

Willmot Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41275.1%1154.6%2429.8%
5 - 1427611.1%2128.6%48819.7%
15 - 191235.0%1074.3%2309.3%
20 - 24712.9%833.3%1546.2%
25 - 341425.7%1586.4%30012.1%
35 - 441445.8%1827.3%32613.2%
45 - 541255.0%1144.6%2399.6%
55 - 641315.3%1465.9%27711.2%
65 - 74813.3%893.6%1706.9%
75 - 84271.1%170.7%441.8%