Warrawee Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 2912 people living in Warrawee. 49.5% are male and 50.5% are female. Warrawee has a population of 7 indigenous people.

Warrawee Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females00.0%
Indigenous Males70.2%
Indigenous Population70.2%
Females born in Australia88730.5%
Males born in Australia89230.6%
People born in Australia177961.1%
Female Population147250.5%
Male Population144049.5%
Total Population2912100%

Warrawee (NSW) Population Pyramid

Warrawee Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4692.4%652.2%1344.6%
5 - 142378.1%1986.8%43514.9%
15 - 191184.1%1374.7%2558.8%
20 - 241103.8%923.2%2026.9%
25 - 341274.4%1334.6%2608.9%
35 - 441645.6%1876.4%35112.1%
45 - 542358.1%2679.2%50217.2%
55 - 641786.1%1996.8%37712.9%
65 - 741123.8%1143.9%2267.8%
75 - 84662.3%582.0%1244.3%