Berowra Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 4623 people living in Berowra. 50.3% are male and 49.7% are female. Berowra has a population of 13 indigenous people.

Berowra Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females70.2%
Indigenous Males60.1%
Indigenous Population130.3%
Females born in Australia172037.2%
Males born in Australia173237.5%
People born in Australia345274.7%
Female Population229649.7%
Male Population232750.3%
Total Population4623100%

Berowra (NSW) Population Pyramid

Berowra Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41914.1%1743.8%3657.9%
5 - 143848.3%3708.0%75416.3%
15 - 191773.8%1563.4%3337.2%
20 - 241292.8%1232.7%2525.5%
25 - 341924.2%1874.0%3798.2%
35 - 443527.6%3948.5%74616.1%
45 - 544199.1%4018.7%82017.7%
55 - 642655.7%2405.2%50510.9%
65 - 741433.1%1543.3%2976.4%
75 - 84631.4%771.7%1403.0%