Eastwood Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 16193 people living in Eastwood. 48.8% are male and 51.2% are female. Eastwood has a population of 65 indigenous people.

Eastwood Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females400.2%
Indigenous Males250.2%
Indigenous Population650.4%
Females born in Australia353321.8%
Males born in Australia348121.5%
People born in Australia701443.3%
Female Population829751.2%
Male Population789648.8%
Total Population16193100%

Eastwood (NSW) Population Pyramid

Eastwood Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44462.8%3962.4%8425.2%
5 - 148965.5%8445.2%174010.7%
15 - 196013.7%4903.0%10916.7%
20 - 248375.2%8275.1%166410.3%
25 - 3411597.2%11807.3%233914.4%
35 - 449545.9%11236.9%207712.8%
45 - 5411487.1%12617.8%240914.9%
55 - 648525.3%9385.8%179011.1%
65 - 745413.3%6033.7%11447.1%
75 - 843292.0%4392.7%7684.7%