Dee Why Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 19838 people living in Dee Why. 49.3% are male and 50.7% are female. Dee Why has a population of 92 indigenous people.

Dee Why Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females380.2%
Indigenous Males540.3%
Indigenous Population920.5%
Females born in Australia561928.3%
Males born in Australia550527.7%
People born in Australia1112456.1%
Female Population1005250.7%
Male Population978649.3%
Total Population19838100%

Dee Why (NSW) Population Pyramid

Dee Why Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 47223.6%7453.8%14677.4%
5 - 148574.3%7964.0%16538.3%
15 - 193922.0%3982.0%7904.0%
20 - 246133.1%6233.1%12366.2%
25 - 34228911.5%230511.6%459423.2%
35 - 4418059.1%17278.7%353217.8%
45 - 5413206.7%13056.6%262513.2%
55 - 649014.5%9344.7%18359.2%
65 - 744942.5%6043.0%10985.5%
75 - 843071.5%4392.2%7463.8%