Rosemeadow Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 7634 people living in Rosemeadow. 48.5% are male and 51.5% are female. Rosemeadow has a population of 274 indigenous people.

Rosemeadow Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1592.1%
Indigenous Males1151.5%
Indigenous Population2743.6%
Females born in Australia269035.2%
Males born in Australia259834.0%
People born in Australia528869.3%
Female Population393151.5%
Male Population370348.5%
Total Population7634100%

Rosemeadow (NSW) Population Pyramid

Rosemeadow Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43174.2%3134.1%6308.3%
5 - 146548.6%6007.9%125416.4%
15 - 193394.4%3124.1%6518.5%
20 - 242673.5%3054.0%5727.5%
25 - 345026.6%5497.2%105113.8%
35 - 444886.4%5927.8%108014.1%
45 - 545056.6%5867.7%109114.3%
55 - 643955.2%4275.6%82210.8%
65 - 741772.3%1732.3%3504.6%
75 - 84540.7%570.7%1111.5%