Smithfield Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 11019 people living in Smithfield. 50.0% are male and 50.0% are female. Smithfield has a population of 138 indigenous people.

Smithfield Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females670.6%
Indigenous Males710.6%
Indigenous Population1381.3%
Females born in Australia262523.8%
Males born in Australia274224.9%
People born in Australia536748.7%
Female Population550550.0%
Male Population551450.0%
Total Population11019100%

Smithfield (NSW) Population Pyramid

Smithfield Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44083.7%3663.3%7747.0%
5 - 147797.1%7116.5%149013.5%
15 - 194093.7%3343.0%7436.7%
20 - 243673.3%3563.2%7236.6%
25 - 347146.5%7667.0%148013.4%
35 - 447526.8%7426.7%149413.6%
45 - 547096.4%6826.2%139112.6%
55 - 645645.1%5945.4%115810.5%
65 - 744333.9%5064.6%9398.5%
75 - 843082.8%3393.1%6475.9%