Randwick Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 27740 people living in Randwick. 47.5% are male and 52.5% are female. Randwick has a population of 126 indigenous people.

Randwick Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females680.2%
Indigenous Males580.2%
Indigenous Population1260.5%
Females born in Australia794328.6%
Males born in Australia716925.8%
People born in Australia1511254.5%
Female Population1456952.5%
Male Population1317147.5%
Total Population27740100%

Randwick (NSW) Population Pyramid

Randwick Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 49583.5%8923.2%18506.7%
5 - 1411554.2%11084.0%22638.2%
15 - 194891.8%5351.9%10243.7%
20 - 2411394.1%12214.4%23608.5%
25 - 34292310.5%343212.4%635522.9%
35 - 4423758.6%24808.9%485517.5%
45 - 5415815.7%16836.1%326411.8%
55 - 6411704.2%12524.5%24228.7%
65 - 747032.5%8152.9%15185.5%
75 - 844671.7%6412.3%11084.0%