Darlinghurst Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 10060 people living in Darlinghurst. 58.8% are male and 41.2% are female. Darlinghurst has a population of 49 indigenous people.

Darlinghurst Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females90.1%
Indigenous Males400.4%
Indigenous Population490.5%
Females born in Australia198119.7%
Males born in Australia276527.5%
People born in Australia474647.2%
Female Population414341.2%
Male Population591758.8%
Total Population10060100%

Darlinghurst (NSW) Population Pyramid

Darlinghurst Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4981.0%1301.3%2282.3%
5 - 14900.9%991.0%1891.9%
15 - 19550.5%900.9%1451.4%
20 - 244134.1%4144.1%8278.2%
25 - 34207320.6%168216.7%375537.3%
35 - 44133913.3%6726.7%201120.0%
45 - 548758.7%4394.4%131413.1%
55 - 645485.4%3453.4%8938.9%
65 - 742692.7%1651.6%4344.3%
75 - 841341.3%870.9%2212.2%