Cranebrook Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 14721 people living in Cranebrook. 49.4% are male and 50.6% are female. Cranebrook has a population of 573 indigenous people.

Cranebrook Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2841.9%
Indigenous Males2892.0%
Indigenous Population5733.9%
Females born in Australia601240.8%
Males born in Australia589540.0%
People born in Australia1190780.9%
Female Population744250.6%
Male Population727949.4%
Total Population14721100%

Cranebrook (NSW) Population Pyramid

Cranebrook Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 46344.3%5864.0%12208.3%
5 - 1412848.7%11537.8%243716.6%
15 - 196244.2%5753.9%11998.1%
20 - 246064.1%6374.3%12438.4%
25 - 3410166.9%11387.7%215414.6%
35 - 4410617.2%11457.8%220615.0%
45 - 549996.8%11227.6%212114.4%
55 - 646514.4%6504.4%13018.8%
65 - 742751.9%3022.1%5773.9%
75 - 841070.7%1090.7%2161.5%