Jerrabomberra Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 9420 people living in Jerrabomberra. 49.4% are male and 50.6% are female. Jerrabomberra has a population of 125 indigenous people.

Jerrabomberra Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females700.7%
Indigenous Males550.6%
Indigenous Population1251.3%
Females born in Australia392241.6%
Males born in Australia380840.4%
People born in Australia773082.1%
Female Population476250.6%
Male Population465849.4%
Total Population9420100%

Jerrabomberra (NSW) Population Pyramid

Jerrabomberra Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44174.4%3874.1%8048.5%
5 - 148559.1%8829.4%173718.4%
15 - 193593.8%3523.7%7117.5%
20 - 242612.8%2322.5%4935.2%
25 - 344855.1%5746.1%105911.2%
35 - 448849.4%102010.8%190420.2%
45 - 548028.5%7287.7%153016.2%
55 - 643974.2%3603.8%7578.0%
65 - 741261.3%1591.7%2853.0%
75 - 84610.6%540.6%1151.2%