Glen Innes Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 6135 people living in Glen Innes. 47.6% are male and 52.4% are female. Glen Innes has a population of 401 indigenous people.

Glen Innes Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2063.4%
Indigenous Males1953.2%
Indigenous Population4016.5%
Females born in Australia285846.6%
Males born in Australia260742.5%
People born in Australia546589.1%
Female Population321252.4%
Male Population292347.6%
Total Population6135100%

Glen Innes (NSW) Population Pyramid

Glen Innes Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41893.1%1883.1%3776.1%
5 - 143836.2%3986.5%78112.7%
15 - 192043.3%1983.2%4026.6%
20 - 241542.5%1322.2%2864.7%
25 - 342784.5%2854.6%5639.2%
35 - 442814.6%3535.8%63410.3%
45 - 543926.4%4266.9%81813.3%
55 - 644216.9%4447.2%86514.1%
65 - 743575.8%3706.0%72711.9%
75 - 842083.4%2794.5%4877.9%