Grafton Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 10205 people living in Grafton. 47.5% are male and 52.5% are female. Grafton has a population of 635 indigenous people.

Grafton Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2962.9%
Indigenous Males3393.3%
Indigenous Population6356.2%
Females born in Australia482747.3%
Males born in Australia442343.3%
People born in Australia925090.6%
Female Population535552.5%
Male Population485047.5%
Total Population10205100%

Grafton (NSW) Population Pyramid

Grafton Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43423.4%2862.8%6286.2%
5 - 146436.3%6556.4%129812.7%
15 - 193313.2%3543.5%6856.7%
20 - 243353.3%2912.9%6266.1%
25 - 345465.4%5325.2%107810.6%
35 - 445605.5%5705.6%113011.1%
45 - 546636.5%7137.0%137613.5%
55 - 645935.8%6025.9%119511.7%
65 - 744214.1%5595.5%9809.6%
75 - 843183.1%4924.8%8107.9%