Murwillumbah Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 6342 people living in Murwillumbah. 46.7% are male and 53.3% are female. Murwillumbah has a population of 160 indigenous people.

Murwillumbah Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females931.5%
Indigenous Males671.1%
Indigenous Population1602.5%
Females born in Australia282544.5%
Males born in Australia250639.5%
People born in Australia533184.1%
Female Population338053.3%
Male Population296246.7%
Total Population6342100%

Murwillumbah (NSW) Population Pyramid

Murwillumbah Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42363.7%2163.4%4527.1%
5 - 143735.9%4457.0%81812.9%
15 - 192173.4%1822.9%3996.3%
20 - 241482.3%1322.1%2804.4%
25 - 342844.5%3195.0%6039.5%
35 - 443425.4%3996.3%74111.7%
45 - 544236.7%4577.2%88013.9%
55 - 643405.4%3816.0%72111.4%
65 - 742794.4%3275.2%6069.6%
75 - 842163.4%2894.6%5058.0%