Forster Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 13116 people living in Forster. 47.7% are male and 52.3% are female. Forster has a population of 560 indigenous people.

Forster Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females3002.3%
Indigenous Males2602.0%
Indigenous Population5604.3%
Females born in Australia571643.6%
Males born in Australia516239.4%
People born in Australia1087882.9%
Female Population686552.3%
Male Population625147.7%
Total Population13116100%

Forster (NSW) Population Pyramid

Forster Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43082.3%3092.4%6174.7%
5 - 147005.3%6585.0%135810.4%
15 - 193432.6%3432.6%6865.2%
20 - 242401.8%2491.9%4893.7%
25 - 344453.4%4713.6%9167.0%
35 - 445524.2%6665.1%12189.3%
45 - 547465.7%8316.3%157712.0%
55 - 649527.3%10518.0%200315.3%
65 - 7410047.7%10878.3%209115.9%
75 - 847265.5%8066.1%153211.7%