Newcastle - Maitland (NSW) Population

In 2011 there were 398770 people living in Newcastle - Maitland. 49.0% are male and 51.0% are female. Newcastle - Maitland has a population of 12178 indigenous people.

Newcastle - Maitland Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females62521.6%
Indigenous Males59261.5%
Indigenous Population121783.1%
Females born in Australia17347243.5%
Males born in Australia16617041.7%
People born in Australia33964285.2%
Female Population20334151.0%
Male Population19542949.0%
Total Population398770100%

Newcastle - Maitland (NSW) Population Pyramid

Newcastle - Maitland Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4129993.3%124133.1%254126.4%
5 - 14254086.4%238766.0%4928412.4%
15 - 19135133.4%129173.2%264306.6%
20 - 24139303.5%138453.5%277757.0%
25 - 34250736.3%251826.3%5025512.6%
35 - 44259556.5%271786.8%5313313.3%
45 - 54266266.7%276496.9%5427513.6%
55 - 64236455.9%246676.2%4831212.1%
65 - 74157594.0%170254.3%327848.2%
75 - 8493632.3%124973.1%218605.5%