Nelson Bay - Corlette (NSW) Population

In 2011 there were 25074 people living in Nelson Bay - Corlette. 48.6% are male and 51.4% are female. Nelson Bay - Corlette has a population of 503 indigenous people.

Nelson Bay - Corlette Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2571.0%
Indigenous Males2461.0%
Indigenous Population5032.0%
Females born in Australia1012640.4%
Males born in Australia952038.0%
People born in Australia1964678.4%
Female Population1289951.4%
Male Population1217548.6%
Total Population25074100%

Nelson Bay - Corlette (NSW) Population Pyramid

Nelson Bay - Corlette Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 46482.6%6122.4%12605.0%
5 - 1415346.1%14135.6%294711.8%
15 - 197773.1%7252.9%15026.0%
20 - 245642.2%4801.9%10444.2%
25 - 349363.7%9803.9%19167.6%
35 - 4413805.5%15346.1%291411.6%
45 - 5416166.4%17376.9%335313.4%
55 - 6416626.6%19117.6%357314.2%
65 - 7417827.1%18447.4%362614.5%
75 - 849613.8%11374.5%20988.4%