Salamander Bay Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 4844 people living in Salamander Bay. 46.9% are male and 53.1% are female. Salamander Bay has a population of 99 indigenous people.

Salamander Bay Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females541.1%
Indigenous Males450.9%
Indigenous Population992.0%
Females born in Australia204042.1%
Males born in Australia177536.6%
People born in Australia381578.8%
Female Population257053.1%
Male Population227446.9%
Total Population4844100%

Salamander Bay (NSW) Population Pyramid

Salamander Bay Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41172.4%1092.3%2264.7%
5 - 142795.8%2785.7%55711.5%
15 - 191332.7%1422.9%2755.7%
20 - 24982.0%861.8%1843.8%
25 - 341603.3%1783.7%3387.0%
35 - 442535.2%2655.5%51810.7%
45 - 542845.9%3276.8%61112.6%
55 - 642705.6%3527.3%62212.8%
65 - 743767.8%4118.5%78716.2%
75 - 842244.6%3116.4%53511.0%