Merewether Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 10469 people living in Merewether. 49.6% are male and 50.4% are female. Merewether has a population of 111 indigenous people.

Merewether Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females600.6%
Indigenous Males510.5%
Indigenous Population1111.1%
Females born in Australia452243.2%
Males born in Australia444342.4%
People born in Australia896585.6%
Female Population527550.4%
Male Population519449.6%
Total Population10469100%

Merewether (NSW) Population Pyramid

Merewether Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42512.4%2772.6%5285.0%
5 - 145735.5%5725.5%114510.9%
15 - 193143.0%3123.0%6266.0%
20 - 245265.0%5034.8%10299.8%
25 - 348307.9%7557.2%158515.1%
35 - 446896.6%6786.5%136713.1%
45 - 547707.4%7787.4%154814.8%
55 - 646376.1%6115.8%124811.9%
65 - 743243.1%3603.4%6846.5%
75 - 841991.9%2882.8%4874.7%