Horseshoe Bend Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 400 people living in Horseshoe Bend. 51.7% are male and 48.2% are female. Horseshoe Bend has a population of 15 indigenous people.

Horseshoe Bend Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females82.0%
Indigenous Males71.8%
Indigenous Population153.8%
Females born in Australia15939.8%
Males born in Australia18646.5%
People born in Australia34586.2%
Female Population19348.2%
Male Population20751.7%
Total Population400100%

Horseshoe Bend (NSW) Population Pyramid

Horseshoe Bend Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4164.0%102.5%266.5%
5 - 144010.0%184.5%5814.5%
15 - 19112.8%143.5%256.2%
20 - 2441.0%92.2%133.2%
25 - 34184.5%246.0%4210.5%
35 - 44287.0%369.0%6416.0%
45 - 544310.8%389.5%8120.2%
55 - 64307.5%194.8%4912.2%
65 - 74153.8%112.8%266.5%
75 - 8430.8%82.0%112.8%