Coffs Harbour (NSW) Population

In 2011 there were 64243 people living in Coffs Harbour. 48.4% are male and 51.6% are female. Coffs Harbour has a population of 2668 indigenous people.

Coffs Harbour Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females13962.2%
Indigenous Males12722.0%
Indigenous Population26684.2%
Females born in Australia2718342.3%
Males born in Australia2551639.7%
People born in Australia5269982.0%
Female Population3318051.6%
Male Population3106348.4%
Total Population64243100%

Coffs Harbour (NSW) Population Pyramid

Coffs Harbour Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 419623.1%19563.0%39186.1%
5 - 1442986.7%40246.3%832213.0%
15 - 1922563.5%21513.3%44076.9%
20 - 2416382.5%16992.6%33375.2%
25 - 3430064.7%32505.1%62569.7%
35 - 4436875.7%41406.4%782712.2%
45 - 5442976.7%49177.7%921414.3%
55 - 6445017.0%45967.2%909714.2%
65 - 7429994.7%32365.0%62359.7%
75 - 8418212.8%21223.3%39436.1%