Cessnock (NSW) Population

In 2011 there were 20261 people living in Cessnock. 49.5% are male and 50.5% are female. Cessnock has a population of 1021 indigenous people.

Cessnock Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females4992.5%
Indigenous Males5222.6%
Indigenous Population10215.0%
Females born in Australia893444.1%
Males born in Australia870643.0%
People born in Australia1764087.1%
Female Population1022650.5%
Male Population1003549.5%
Total Population20261100%

Cessnock (NSW) Population Pyramid

Cessnock Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 47313.6%7093.5%14407.1%
5 - 1413546.7%12956.4%264913.1%
15 - 196983.4%6713.3%13696.8%
20 - 246993.4%6643.3%13636.7%
25 - 3413916.9%12216.0%261212.9%
35 - 4413206.5%12486.2%256812.7%
45 - 5412716.3%13146.5%258512.8%
55 - 6411685.8%12025.9%237011.7%
65 - 747953.9%8634.3%16588.2%
75 - 844632.3%6963.4%11595.7%