Moreton Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 145977 people living in Moreton. 49.4% are male and 50.6% are female. Moreton has a population of 1725 indigenous people.

Moreton Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females8860.6%
Indigenous Males8390.6%
Indigenous Population17251.2%
Females born in Australia4287229.4%
Males born in Australia4144728.4%
People born in Australia8431957.8%
Female Population7379450.6%
Male Population7218349.4%
Total Population145977100%

Moreton (QLD) Population Pyramid

Moreton Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 447783.3%46133.2%93916.4%
5 - 1483495.7%80635.5%1641211.2%
15 - 1949003.4%48033.3%97036.6%
20 - 2473145.0%70484.8%143629.8%
25 - 34126278.6%120228.2%2464916.9%
35 - 44103097.1%105437.2%2085214.3%
45 - 5489936.2%93186.4%1831112.5%
55 - 6472495.0%76325.2%1488110.2%
65 - 7443773.0%47493.3%91266.3%
75 - 8423891.6%32212.2%56103.8%