Mitchell Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 137974 people living in Mitchell. 49.0% are male and 51.0% are female. Mitchell has a population of 517 indigenous people.

Mitchell Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2650.2%
Indigenous Males2520.2%
Indigenous Population5170.4%
Females born in Australia4552333.0%
Males born in Australia4410832.0%
People born in Australia8963165.0%
Female Population7032651.0%
Male Population6764849.0%
Total Population137974100%

Mitchell (NSW) Population Pyramid

Mitchell Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 450643.7%46883.4%97527.1%
5 - 14105237.6%99997.2%2052214.9%
15 - 1950213.6%46133.3%96347.0%
20 - 2442323.1%41483.0%83806.1%
25 - 3472845.3%79825.8%1526611.1%
35 - 44104877.6%115818.4%2206816.0%
45 - 5496567.0%99567.2%1961214.2%
55 - 6477685.6%83326.0%1610011.7%
65 - 7448933.5%48693.5%97627.1%
75 - 8420351.5%25571.9%45923.3%