Kennedy Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 155119 people living in Kennedy. 51.4% are male and 48.6% are female. Kennedy has a population of 20702 indigenous people.

Kennedy Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females104476.7%
Indigenous Males102556.6%
Indigenous Population2070213.3%
Females born in Australia6101239.3%
Males born in Australia6425441.4%
People born in Australia12526680.8%
Female Population7538748.6%
Male Population7973251.4%
Total Population155119100%

Kennedy (QLD) Population Pyramid

Kennedy Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 458033.7%54553.5%112587.3%
5 - 14116597.5%110997.2%2275814.7%
15 - 1954073.5%48293.1%102366.6%
20 - 2444172.8%39352.5%83525.4%
25 - 3490565.8%89175.7%1797311.6%
35 - 44105386.8%104546.7%2099213.5%
45 - 54114907.4%108187.0%2230814.4%
55 - 64102746.6%92185.9%1949212.6%
65 - 7469024.4%60503.9%129528.3%
75 - 8433582.2%33042.1%66624.3%