Hughes Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 141693 people living in Hughes. 49.6% are male and 50.4% are female. Hughes has a population of 1509 indigenous people.

Hughes Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females7390.5%
Indigenous Males7700.5%
Indigenous Population15091.1%
Females born in Australia5120736.1%
Males born in Australia5072935.8%
People born in Australia10193671.9%
Female Population7147250.4%
Male Population7022149.6%
Total Population141693100%

Hughes (NSW) Population Pyramid

Hughes Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 452323.7%49603.5%101927.2%
5 - 1499727.0%95806.8%1955213.8%
15 - 1953113.7%49353.5%102467.2%
20 - 2450663.6%45723.2%96386.8%
25 - 3489016.3%91926.5%1809312.8%
35 - 4498897.0%106607.5%2054914.5%
45 - 54100257.1%105817.5%2060614.5%
55 - 6483425.9%84195.9%1676111.8%
65 - 7446403.3%46153.3%92556.5%
75 - 8421891.5%27832.0%49723.5%