Grey Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 144795 people living in Grey. 50.9% are male and 49.1% are female. Grey has a population of 10206 indigenous people.

Grey Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females52233.6%
Indigenous Males49833.4%
Indigenous Population102067.0%
Females born in Australia6006541.5%
Males born in Australia6210342.9%
People born in Australia12216884.4%
Female Population7102649.1%
Male Population7376950.9%
Total Population144795100%

Grey (SA) Population Pyramid

Grey Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 446383.2%44713.1%91096.3%
5 - 1497406.7%91956.4%1893513.1%
15 - 1946933.2%42332.9%89266.2%
20 - 2440492.8%35612.5%76105.3%
25 - 3479295.5%77655.4%1569410.8%
35 - 4493896.5%90916.3%1848012.8%
45 - 54109667.6%101427.0%2110814.6%
55 - 64101667.0%94096.5%1957513.5%
65 - 7473495.1%69024.8%142519.8%
75 - 8438072.6%43273.0%81345.6%