Forde Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 144960 people living in Forde. 49.3% are male and 50.7% are female. Forde has a population of 3342 indigenous people.

Forde Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females17331.2%
Indigenous Males16091.1%
Indigenous Population33422.3%
Females born in Australia5083335.1%
Males born in Australia4959734.2%
People born in Australia10043069.3%
Female Population7346950.7%
Male Population7149149.3%
Total Population144960100%

Forde (QLD) Population Pyramid

Forde Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 460734.2%58294.0%119028.2%
5 - 14109317.5%105747.3%2150514.8%
15 - 1956793.9%52603.6%109397.5%
20 - 2449563.4%50193.5%99756.9%
25 - 34100066.9%106147.3%2062014.2%
35 - 44101427.0%108207.5%2096214.5%
45 - 5490806.3%96756.7%1875512.9%
55 - 6475515.2%78455.4%1539610.6%
65 - 7445693.2%44733.1%90426.2%
75 - 8419591.4%23911.6%43503.0%