Flynn Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 148122 people living in Flynn. 51.9% are male and 48.1% are female. Flynn has a population of 6779 indigenous people.

Flynn Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females34232.3%
Indigenous Males33562.3%
Indigenous Population67794.6%
Females born in Australia5912439.9%
Males born in Australia6279442.4%
People born in Australia12191882.3%
Female Population7125948.1%
Male Population7686351.9%
Total Population148122100%

Flynn (QLD) Population Pyramid

Flynn Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 459374.0%56203.8%115577.8%
5 - 14113247.6%107217.2%2204514.9%
15 - 1951093.4%45353.1%96446.5%
20 - 2443763.0%39992.7%83755.7%
25 - 3497946.6%95876.5%1938113.1%
35 - 44108387.3%104417.0%2127914.4%
45 - 54113977.7%105087.1%2190514.8%
55 - 6495456.4%80705.4%1761511.9%
65 - 7456893.8%47933.2%104827.1%
75 - 8423371.6%21931.5%45303.1%