Cunningham Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 144775 people living in Cunningham. 49.5% are male and 50.5% are female. Cunningham has a population of 2482 indigenous people.

Cunningham Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females12590.9%
Indigenous Males12230.8%
Indigenous Population24821.7%
Females born in Australia5460237.7%
Males born in Australia5329836.8%
People born in Australia10790074.5%
Female Population7315450.5%
Male Population7162149.5%
Total Population144775100%

Cunningham (NSW) Population Pyramid

Cunningham Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 445663.2%44133.0%89796.2%
5 - 1490006.2%84255.8%1742512.0%
15 - 1950183.5%47353.3%97536.7%
20 - 2460814.2%55693.8%116508.0%
25 - 3493766.5%90146.2%1839012.7%
35 - 4496086.6%100066.9%1961413.5%
45 - 5498676.8%100396.9%1990613.7%
55 - 6480515.6%83895.8%1644011.4%
65 - 7454143.7%58494.0%112637.8%
75 - 8434262.4%44833.1%79095.5%