Cowper Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 134846 people living in Cowper. 48.9% are male and 51.1% are female. Cowper has a population of 8091 indigenous people.

Cowper Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females41233.1%
Indigenous Males39682.9%
Indigenous Population80916.0%
Females born in Australia5786642.9%
Males born in Australia5559841.2%
People born in Australia11346484.1%
Female Population6887951.1%
Male Population6596748.9%
Total Population134846100%

Cowper (NSW) Population Pyramid

Cowper Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 440743.0%39352.9%80095.9%
5 - 1490906.7%86296.4%1771913.1%
15 - 1945823.4%43093.2%88916.6%
20 - 2430102.2%30072.2%60174.5%
25 - 3456134.2%60214.5%116348.6%
35 - 4473845.5%83206.2%1570411.6%
45 - 5494397.0%104847.8%1992314.8%
55 - 64102137.6%100577.5%2027015.0%
65 - 7472015.3%73035.4%1450410.8%
75 - 8440353.0%45583.4%85936.4%