Kambah Population (ACT)

In 2011 there were 15449 people living in Kambah. 49.7% are male and 50.3% are female. Kambah has a population of 341 indigenous people.

Kambah Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1721.1%
Indigenous Males1691.1%
Indigenous Population3412.2%
Females born in Australia602039.0%
Males born in Australia607039.3%
People born in Australia1209078.3%
Female Population777650.3%
Male Population767349.7%
Total Population15449100%

Kambah (ACT) Population Pyramid

Kambah Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 45273.4%5163.3%10436.8%
5 - 149916.4%9386.1%192912.5%
15 - 195953.9%4743.1%10696.9%
20 - 245383.5%4332.8%9716.3%
25 - 3410246.6%10516.8%207513.4%
35 - 4410536.8%10857.0%213813.8%
45 - 5410076.5%11627.5%216914.0%
55 - 6411807.6%12908.4%247016.0%
65 - 745573.6%5623.6%11197.2%
75 - 841661.1%2021.3%3682.4%