Isabella Plains Population (ACT)

In 2011 there were 4315 people living in Isabella Plains. 49.1% are male and 50.9% are female. Isabella Plains has a population of 103 indigenous people.

Isabella Plains Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females571.3%
Indigenous Males461.1%
Indigenous Population1032.4%
Females born in Australia168939.1%
Males born in Australia162337.6%
People born in Australia331276.8%
Female Population219550.9%
Male Population212049.1%
Total Population4315100%

Isabella Plains (ACT) Population Pyramid

Isabella Plains Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41744.0%1784.1%3528.2%
5 - 142966.9%2846.6%58013.4%
15 - 191924.4%1653.8%3578.3%
20 - 241714.0%1673.9%3387.8%
25 - 343518.1%3528.2%70316.3%
35 - 442966.9%3488.1%64414.9%
45 - 543448.0%3648.4%70816.4%
55 - 641864.3%1854.3%3718.6%
65 - 74791.8%902.1%1693.9%
75 - 84300.7%451.0%751.7%