Nicholls Population (ACT)

In 2011 there were 6951 people living in Nicholls. 49.7% are male and 50.3% are female. Nicholls has a population of 40 indigenous people.

Nicholls Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females240.3%
Indigenous Males160.2%
Indigenous Population400.6%
Females born in Australia245735.3%
Males born in Australia244135.1%
People born in Australia489870.5%
Female Population349950.3%
Male Population345249.7%
Total Population6951100%

Nicholls (ACT) Population Pyramid

Nicholls Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42123.0%1842.6%3965.7%
5 - 146259.0%5858.4%121017.4%
15 - 192984.3%2864.1%5848.4%
20 - 241952.8%1792.6%3745.4%
25 - 342914.2%3244.7%6158.8%
35 - 445117.4%6329.1%114316.4%
45 - 546148.8%6269.0%124017.8%
55 - 644055.8%4085.9%81311.7%
65 - 742203.2%1862.7%4065.8%
75 - 84751.1%691.0%1442.1%