Quipolly Demographics (NSW) Local Stats

Quipolly (2343) is a suburb of Regional NSW, North West Slopes, New South Wales. It is about 274 kms from NSW's capital city of Sydney. Quipolly is in the federal electorate of New England.

In the 2006 Census the population of Quipolly is 328 and is comprised of 52.9% males and 47.1% females.

The median/average age of the Quipolly population is 36 years of age, 1 year below the Australian average.

The country of birth of people living in Quipolly is 85% Australia, 1.5% Poland, 0.9% United States of America, 0.9% New Zealand, 0.9% Scotland.

88.1% of people speak English as their first language, 1.2% speak Polish.

The religious make up of Quipolly is 39.4% Anglican, 13.8% Catholic, 8.3% Uniting Church, 8.3% No Religion, 3.4% Christian, nfd.

60.7% of people are married, 27% have never married and 5.6% are separated or divorced. There are 15 widowed people living in Quipolly.

65.7% of the people living in Quipolly are employed full time, while 24.9% are employed on a part time basis. Quipolly has a below average unemployment rate of 0% and 57 people are not part of the labour force.

The average individual income is $482.00 per week and the average household income is $1023.00 per week.

The average rent in Quipolly is $63 per week and the average mortgage repayment is $1300 per month. 43.3% are fully owned, and 24.2% are in the process of being purchased by home loan mortgage. 21.7% of homes are rented.

Check out FY 2013 Tax Stats for Quipolly postcode 2343

  • Qpzm LocalStats New South Wales Suburb of the Day: Arding 2358 -> Regional NSW -> New South Wales