TaxStats for postcode 2170 FY2013

Postcode 2170 includes Casula, Casula Mall, Chipping Norton, Hammondville, Liverpool, Liverpool South, Lurnea, Moorebank, Mount Pritchard, Prestons, Warwick Farm in New South Wales, and is in the federal electorate of Werriwa.

In FY 2013 the ATO recorded 45,665 individuals in postcode 2170. Of these people, 45,445 made a taxable income or loss. 37,790 of the population paid a gross amount of tax. After tax offsets, 35,020 people actually paid a net amount of tax. There were 10,425 non-taxable people who paid net tax of $0.

Compare TaxStats of 2170 with NSW

2170 TaxStats FY2013%Ppl#Ppl2170
Total Individuals100%45,665
Salary or Wage 84%38,525$50,370$1,940,522,604
Gross Interest45%20,585$1,699$34,979,774
Unfranked Dividends4%1,925$397$764,051
Franked Dividends17%7,945$2,584$20,530,504
Dividend Franking Credit17%7,910$1,111$8,785,080
Capital Gains2%930$14,644$13,619,003
Termination Payouts2%840$9,926$8,337,687
Tips/Directors Fees etc21%9,690$3,242$31,417,220
Business Income9%4,155$20,401$84,764,850
Foreign Income2%875$2,354$2,059,845
Government payments8%3,490$5,723$19,971,632
Government pensions4%1,965$9,731$19,121,659
Total Income or Loss100%45,485$49,735$2,262,194,184
Charitable Gifts36%16,420$382$6,277,969
Cost of Tax Affairs58%26,270$214$5,632,099
Work Car expenses26%11,775$2,857$33,635,709
Work Travel expenses9%4,230$1,398$5,912,586
Self Education expenses6%2,570$1,872$4,809,779
Total Deductions82%37,315$2,741$102,272,540
Taxable Income100%45,445$47,489$2,158,133,278
Medicare Levy 72%33,035$870$28,738,776
Medicare Surcharge 1%450$1,100$494,886
Gross Tax 83%37,790$10,183$384,816,791
Net Tax 77%35,020$11,316$396,295,835
Average Tax 100%45,665 $8,678$396,295,835
Gross Tax Rate 83%37,790 21%$384,816,791
Net Tax Rate 77%35,020 24%$396,295,835
Average Tax Rate 100%45,665 18%$396,295,835
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.

The average taxable income was $47,489. It is estimated that the average taxable income for people who paid a net amount of tax was $58053.

The average net tax paid was $11,316. This equates to an average tax of 24 cents in the dollar on taxable income.

The Medicare levy was paid by 33,035 people for an average of $870. 450 people paid $1,100 on average more for the Medicare surcharge.

38,525 people earned a salary or wage and took home an average of $50,370 each.

Government allowance and payments were collected by 3,490 people for on average $5,723. 1,965 people received the pension or other allowance.

Charitable gifts and donations of an average of $382 were made by 16,420 people.

The costs of tax affairs for 26,270 people were claimed for $214 each.