5302 VS SA TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 5302 includes Lameroo, Ngarkat, Smithville in South Australia, and is in the federal electorate of Barker.

5302 VS sa
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%540100%907,790
Salary or Wage 62%335$38,69078%706,740$49,760
Gross Interest72%390$2,17157%517,940$1,777
Unfranked Dividends21%115$21810%87,465$549
Franked Dividends34%185$3,69222%196,855$6,406
Dividend Franking Credit34%185$1,58222%196,130$2,754
Capital Gains10%55$9,4674%40,210$12,967
Termination Payouts1%5$4,7801%12,425$11,316
Tips/Directors Fees etc13%70$1,81215%140,265$2,801
Business Income8%45$14,2479%79,630$22,945
Foreign Income10%55$2405%49,720$977
Government payments6%30$6,0218%70,540$5,406
Government pensions9%50$11,2056%58,945$9,088
Total Income or Loss100%540$40,823100%904,865$52,194
Charitable Gifts21%115$21133%302,450$468
Cost of Tax Affairs30%160$36444%401,660$322
Work Car expenses14%75$2,13125%222,770$2,191
Work Travel expenses4%20$1,8767%61,905$1,803
Self Education expenses1%5$1,1214%32,715$1,622
Total Deductions64%345$2,88281%738,165$2,687
Taxable Income99%535$38,50999%902,755$50,025
Medicare Levy 61%330$83971%640,130$946
Medicare Surcharge 2%10$1,9411%10,910$1,180
Gross Tax 72%390$9,35381%733,755$12,039
Net Tax 64%345$10,34774%671,330$13,335
Average Tax 100%540 $6,611100%907,790 $9,861
Gross Tax Rate 72%390 24%81%733,755 24%
Net Tax Rate 64%345 27%74%671,330 27%
Average Tax Rate 100%540 17%100%907,790 20%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.