4757 VS QLD TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 4757 includes Broken River, Crediton, Dalrymple Heights, Eungella, Eungella Dam in Queensland, and is in the federal electorate of Capricornia.

4757 VS qld
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%175100%2,558,510
Salary or Wage 74%130$57,26480%2,055,890$54,539
Gross Interest54%95$3,05554%1,384,865$1,785
Unfranked Dividends11%20$2428%209,365$698
Franked Dividends17%30$6,80019%485,865$6,857
Dividend Franking Credit17%30$2,91419%483,905$2,949
Capital Gains6%10$4,7634%93,780$17,616
Termination Payouts3%5$2,0713%67,520$10,196
Tips/Directors Fees etc11%20$3,37218%460,960$3,768
Business Income20%35$-6,2618%216,815$20,149
Foreign Income6%10$9085%135,345$1,594
Government payments9%15$3,5508%191,935$5,243
Government pensions6%10$10,9075%139,815$9,313
Total Income or Loss100%175$51,147100%2,549,545$56,034
Charitable Gifts29%50$28234%857,815$384
Cost of Tax Affairs43%75$30548%1,232,015$353
Work Car expenses14%25$3,69625%631,090$2,604
Work Travel expenses3%5$1,25910%246,830$1,972
Self Education expenses3%5$3494%105,200$1,790
Total Deductions77%135$2,06482%2,106,930$2,908
Taxable Income97%170$50,58699%2,540,600$53,653
Medicare Levy 63%110$1,06870%1,798,500$1,021
Medicare Surcharge 3%5$1,4582%45,080$1,269
Gross Tax 71%125$14,30481%2,061,410$13,779
Net Tax 63%110$16,55174%1,895,780$15,228
Average Tax 100%175 $10,404100%2,558,510 $11,284
Gross Tax Rate 71%125 28%81%2,061,410 26%
Net Tax Rate 63%110 33%74%1,895,780 28%
Average Tax Rate 100%175 21%100%2,558,510 21%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.