3753 VS VIC TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 3753 includes Beveridge in Victoria, and is in the federal electorate of McEwen.

3753 VS vic
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%770100%3,173,515
Salary or Wage 83%640$54,04579%2,505,685$52,564
Gross Interest47%365$1,51157%1,809,890$2,083
Unfranked Dividends5%40$26010%308,960$778
Franked Dividends15%115$5,72323%738,985$7,146
Dividend Franking Credit15%115$2,45323%736,700$3,067
Capital Gains3%20$19,9224%132,920$19,666
Termination Payouts3%25$7,9922%60,565$14,313
Tips/Directors Fees etc21%165$4,64119%590,595$3,685
Business Income8%60$15,01310%302,500$21,832
Foreign Income3%20$3045%161,335$1,563
Government payments6%45$5,2647%223,345$5,314
Government pensions3%25$8,6755%160,790$9,397
Total Income or Loss99%765$54,812100%3,159,320$55,828
Charitable Gifts42%325$14839%1,232,200$488
Cost of Tax Affairs56%430$24750%1,573,340$366
Work Car expenses35%270$3,34727%860,910$2,674
Work Travel expenses13%100$1,89510%327,430$1,389
Self Education expenses3%25$2,6604%134,315$2,007
Total Deductions84%650$3,36181%2,571,550$3,172
Taxable Income99%765$51,86199%3,153,015$53,260
Medicare Levy 78%600$91470%2,215,495$1,022
Medicare Surcharge 3%20$7891%39,620$1,213
Gross Tax 86%665$11,41180%2,542,775$13,802
Net Tax 81%625$12,50473%2,332,460$15,400
Average Tax 100%770 $10,150100%3,173,515 $11,319
Gross Tax Rate 86%665 22%80%2,542,775 26%
Net Tax Rate 81%625 24%73%2,332,460 29%
Average Tax Rate 100%770 20%100%3,173,515 21%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.