3620 VS VIC TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 3620 includes Kyabram, Kyabram South, Lancaster, Mount Scobie, St Germains, Taripta, Wyuna, Wyuna East in Victoria, and is in the federal electorate of Murray.

3620 VS vic
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%4,295100%3,173,515
Salary or Wage 74%3,180$41,54179%2,505,685$52,564
Gross Interest58%2,470$1,77057%1,809,890$2,083
Unfranked Dividends14%620$42810%308,960$778
Franked Dividends28%1,200$3,99923%738,985$7,146
Dividend Franking Credit28%1,200$1,71323%736,700$3,067
Capital Gains5%200$7,9124%132,920$19,666
Termination Payouts2%105$3,4882%60,565$14,313
Tips/Directors Fees etc20%875$1,67219%590,595$3,685
Business Income7%315$14,43610%302,500$21,832
Foreign Income5%225$2325%161,335$1,563
Government payments9%390$5,1497%223,345$5,314
Government pensions9%375$9,6915%160,790$9,397
Total Income or Loss100%4,280$40,113100%3,159,320$55,828
Charitable Gifts36%1,525$27939%1,232,200$488
Cost of Tax Affairs47%2,000$28450%1,573,340$366
Work Car expenses28%1,190$2,26627%860,910$2,674
Work Travel expenses7%315$2,38510%327,430$1,389
Self Education expenses4%180$1,8484%134,315$2,007
Total Deductions78%3,370$2,87281%2,571,550$3,172
Taxable Income99%4,240$38,00099%3,153,015$53,260
Medicare Levy 61%2,630$77770%2,215,495$1,022
Medicare Surcharge 1%35$1,0181%39,620$1,213
Gross Tax 74%3,175$8,10180%2,542,775$13,802
Net Tax 64%2,770$9,31973%2,332,460$15,400
Average Tax 100%4,295 $6,010100%3,173,515 $11,319
Gross Tax Rate 74%3,175 21%80%2,542,775 26%
Net Tax Rate 64%2,770 25%73%2,332,460 29%
Average Tax Rate 100%4,295 16%100%3,173,515 21%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.