2913 VS ACT TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 2913 includes Casey, Franklin, Ginninderra Village, Kinlyside, Ngunnawal, Nicholls, Palmerston, Taylor in Australian Capital Territory, and is in the federal electorate of Fraser.

2913 VS act
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%18,245100%240,405
Salary or Wage 88%15,970$64,60682%197,615$65,458
Gross Interest60%10,970$1,23364%153,835$1,809
Unfranked Dividends6%1,095$4439%20,715$655
Franked Dividends23%4,155$3,33528%67,100$5,285
Dividend Franking Credit23%4,135$1,43628%66,825$2,271
Capital Gains3%635$32,3405%10,845$13,984
Termination Payouts1%230$16,3701%2,745$15,109
Tips/Directors Fees etc15%2,650$3,64814%33,240$3,724
Business Income6%1,105$16,1856%14,870$24,468
Foreign Income4%810$8606%15,295$991
Government payments4%665$4,8284%9,965$5,114
Government pensions3%550$8,2625%10,870$7,657
Total Income or Loss100%18,190$65,756100%239,795$67,473
Charitable Gifts43%7,810$37245%109,125$575
Cost of Tax Affairs42%7,635$36743%103,340$481
Work Car expenses26%4,805$2,13223%54,650$2,098
Work Travel expenses9%1,650$1,0158%20,195$1,098
Self Education expenses7%1,285$1,7236%14,425$1,943
Total Deductions84%15,395$2,53183%200,630$2,753
Taxable Income100%18,165$63,643100%239,500$65,180
Medicare Levy 79%14,405$1,10378%186,725$1,148
Medicare Surcharge 2%390$1,0172%5,585$1,094
Gross Tax 87%15,850$15,96586%206,865$16,928
Net Tax 83%15,135$17,19081%195,790$18,131
Average Tax 100%18,245 $14,260100%240,405 $14,766
Gross Tax Rate 87%15,850 25%86%206,865 26%
Net Tax Rate 83%15,135 27%81%195,790 28%
Average Tax Rate 100%18,245 22%100%240,405 23%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.