2902 VS ACT TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 2902 includes Kambah, Kambah Village in Australian Capital Territory, and is in the federal electorate of Canberra.

2902 VS act
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%9,745100%240,405
Salary or Wage 81%7,920$62,95282%197,615$65,458
Gross Interest63%6,135$1,52464%153,835$1,809
Unfranked Dividends9%895$3389%20,715$655
Franked Dividends31%2,995$2,92728%67,100$5,285
Dividend Franking Credit31%2,990$1,25528%66,825$2,271
Capital Gains4%420$9,6245%10,845$13,984
Termination Payouts1%125$11,7111%2,745$15,109
Tips/Directors Fees etc14%1,330$4,01514%33,240$3,724
Business Income6%630$19,4546%14,870$24,468
Foreign Income6%540$7796%15,295$991
Government payments4%380$4,8074%9,965$5,114
Government pensions5%515$7,4435%10,870$7,657
Total Income or Loss100%9,730$63,072100%239,795$67,473
Charitable Gifts49%4,735$44445%109,125$575
Cost of Tax Affairs44%4,290$38943%103,340$481
Work Car expenses23%2,280$2,00623%54,650$2,098
Work Travel expenses7%720$1,0698%20,195$1,098
Self Education expenses5%480$1,6566%14,425$1,943
Total Deductions84%8,225$2,42783%200,630$2,753
Taxable Income100%9,725$61,023100%239,500$65,180
Medicare Levy 80%7,795$1,06478%186,725$1,148
Medicare Surcharge 2%230$9882%5,585$1,094
Gross Tax 87%8,440$14,83486%206,865$16,928
Net Tax 82%7,975$15,75981%195,790$18,131
Average Tax 100%9,745 $12,897100%240,405 $14,766
Gross Tax Rate 87%8,440 24%86%206,865 26%
Net Tax Rate 82%7,975 26%81%195,790 28%
Average Tax Rate 100%9,745 21%100%240,405 23%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.