0829 VS NT TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 0829 includes Holtze, Pinelands in Northern Territory, and is in the federal electorate of Lingiari.

0829 VS nt
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%90100%121,615
Salary or Wage 89%80$59,63591%110,070$58,637
Gross Interest50%45$1,44347%57,545$1,163
Unfranked Dividends6%5$5425%5,815$601
Franked Dividends17%15$23,85812%14,775$8,926
Dividend Franking Credit17%15$10,22512%14,710$3,841
Capital Gains6%5$1142%2,960$51,576
Termination Payouts6%5$4,7532%1,885$9,502
Tips/Directors Fees etc39%35$43718%21,960$2,806
Business Income11%10$11,9307%8,775$24,514
Foreign Income6%5$1,1423%3,155$1,168
Government payments6%5$1,5377%8,365$5,562
Government pensions6%5$2,6203%3,615$8,660
Total Income or Loss100%90$65,995100%121,365$62,511
Charitable Gifts28%25$27933%40,040$344
Cost of Tax Affairs50%45$23358%69,990$332
Work Car expenses22%20$1,48827%32,905$2,023
Work Travel expenses6%5$1,0949%10,735$1,694
Self Education expenses6%5$2295%6,545$2,004
Total Deductions94%85$2,10987%106,155$2,523
Taxable Income100%90$63,722100%121,200$60,308
Medicare Levy 61%55$1,09175%90,890$1,070
Medicare Surcharge %0$3%3,850$1,175
Gross Tax 94%85$14,74786%104,405$15,062
Net Tax 89%80$15,60081%98,275$15,970
Average Tax 100%90 $13,866100%121,615 $12,905
Gross Tax Rate 94%85 23%86%104,405 25%
Net Tax Rate 89%80 24%81%98,275 26%
Average Tax Rate 100%90 22%100%121,615 21%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.