Bentleigh East Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 25925 people living in Bentleigh East. 49.1% are male and 50.9% are female. Bentleigh East has a population of 51 indigenous people.

Bentleigh East Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females250.1%
Indigenous Males260.1%
Indigenous Population510.2%
Females born in Australia861133.2%
Males born in Australia837232.3%
People born in Australia1698365.5%
Female Population1320750.9%
Male Population1271849.1%
Total Population25925100%

Bentleigh East (VIC) Population Pyramid

Bentleigh East Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 49923.8%8133.1%18057.0%
5 - 1417196.6%15986.2%331712.8%
15 - 198643.3%6862.6%15506.0%
20 - 247272.8%6282.4%13555.2%
25 - 3413905.4%14155.5%280510.8%
35 - 4420698.0%23058.9%437416.9%
45 - 5418277.0%19167.4%374314.4%
55 - 6412674.9%13895.4%265610.2%
65 - 748413.2%9753.8%18167.0%
75 - 847342.8%10023.9%17366.7%