Rouse Hill Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 7482 people living in Rouse Hill. 50.5% are male and 49.5% are female. Rouse Hill has a population of 57 indigenous people.

Rouse Hill Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females270.4%
Indigenous Males300.4%
Indigenous Population570.8%
Females born in Australia257134.4%
Males born in Australia262135.0%
People born in Australia519269.4%
Female Population370649.5%
Male Population377650.5%
Total Population7482100%

Rouse Hill (NSW) Population Pyramid

Rouse Hill Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43614.8%3274.4%6889.2%
5 - 1478810.5%76310.2%155120.7%
15 - 192783.7%2293.1%5076.8%
20 - 241852.5%1742.3%3594.8%
25 - 344145.5%4636.2%87711.7%
35 - 4476810.3%84011.2%160821.5%
45 - 544746.3%3865.2%86011.5%
55 - 642913.9%3124.2%6038.1%
65 - 741472.0%1512.0%2984.0%
75 - 84610.8%460.6%1071.4%