Figtree Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 10629 people living in Figtree. 49.5% are male and 50.5% are female. Figtree has a population of 135 indigenous people.

Figtree Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females810.8%
Indigenous Males540.5%
Indigenous Population1351.3%
Females born in Australia399437.6%
Males born in Australia396037.3%
People born in Australia795474.8%
Female Population537050.5%
Male Population525949.5%
Total Population10629100%

Figtree (NSW) Population Pyramid

Figtree Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43403.2%3553.3%6956.5%
5 - 148037.6%6886.5%149114.0%
15 - 193483.3%3383.2%6866.5%
20 - 243062.9%2772.6%5835.5%
25 - 345254.9%5965.6%112110.5%
35 - 447447.0%7947.5%153814.5%
45 - 546716.3%6806.4%135112.7%
55 - 646626.2%7136.7%137512.9%
65 - 745034.7%4734.5%9769.2%
75 - 842822.7%3283.1%6105.7%