Uki Demographics (NSW) Local Stats

Uki (2484) is a suburb of North Coast, Mid North Coast, New South Wales. It is about 639 kms from NSW's capital city of Sydney. Uki is in the federal electorate of Richmond.

In the 2011 census the population of Uki was 765 and is comprised of approximately 50.5% females and 49.5% males.

The median/average age of the population of Uki is 45 years of age.

73.4% of people living in the suburb of Uki were born in Australia. The other top responses for country of birth were 6.2% England, 3.7% New Zealand, 1.3% United States of America, 0.8% Netherlands, 0.8% Inadequately described, 0.7% Israel, 0.7% Sweden, 0.7% Canada, 0.7% Austria, 0.7% Scotland, 0.5% France, 0.4% Germany.

88.4% of people living in Uki speak English only. The other top languages spoken are 8.1% Language spoken at home not stated, 1.4% Other, 1.3% German, 0.4% French, 0.4% Spanish.

The religious makeup of Uki is 34.1% No religion, 18.8% Anglican, 15.2% Religious affiliation not stated, 11.5% Catholic, 5.0% Hinduism, 3.0% Christian, nfd, 2.7% Other religious affiliation , 2.2% Presbyterian and Reformed, 1.8% Buddhism, 1.7% Uniting Church.

41.9% of people are married, 34.1% have never married and 15.5% are divorced and 5.1% are separated. There are 21 widowed people living in Uki.

39.3% of the people living in Uki over the age of 15 and who identify as being in the labour force are employed full time, 43.2% are working on a part time basis. Uki has an unemployment rate of 10.4%.

The main occupations of people living in Uki are 23.0% Professionals, 18.4% Technicians & trades workers, 12.8% Clerical & administrative workers, 11.5% Labourers, 9.8% Community & personal service workers, 7.5% Sales workers, 7.2% Machinery operators & drivers, 6.6% Managers, 3.3% Occupation inadequately described/ Not stated.

The main industries people from Uki work in are 16.4% Health care and social assistance, 10.2% Retail trade, 10.2% Education and training, 9.5% Accommodation and food services, 8.6% Construction, 7.9% Public administration and safety, 7.2% Manufacturing, 6.2% Professional, scientific and technical services, 3.9% Wholesale trade.

43.1% of homes are fully owned, and 35.0% are in the process of being purchased by home loan mortgage. 21.9% of homes are rented.

The median individual income is $438 per week and the median household income is $851 per week.

The median rent in Uki is $250 per week and the median mortgage repayment is $1213 per month.

Check out FY 2013 Tax Stats for Uki postcode 2484

  • Qpzm LocalStats New South Wales Suburb of the Day: Arding 2358 -> Regional NSW -> New South Wales