7050 VS TAS TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 7050 includes Albion Heights, Kingston, Kingston Beach in Tasmania, and is in the federal electorate of Denison.

7050 VS tas
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%6,545100%267,040
Salary or Wage 79%5,160$48,81979%211,320$46,454
Gross Interest57%3,725$1,75852%137,980$2,063
Unfranked Dividends8%550$4388%21,930$564
Franked Dividends28%1,840$3,99826%70,555$4,684
Dividend Franking Credit28%1,835$1,71726%70,290$2,013
Capital Gains3%210$6,1483%9,265$10,658
Termination Payouts1%70$12,0391%3,510$10,265
Tips/Directors Fees etc14%930$2,81916%42,705$2,930
Business Income9%595$20,1009%24,350$17,333
Foreign Income5%315$1,2305%12,280$1,188
Government payments8%520$5,64110%27,185$5,650
Government pensions7%465$8,5507%19,385$9,073
Total Income or Loss100%6,520$49,477100%266,230$48,318
Charitable Gifts43%2,835$36535%93,445$416
Cost of Tax Affairs47%3,080$22850%132,480$372
Work Car expenses24%1,570$1,82423%60,745$1,946
Work Travel expenses7%455$1,4307%17,800$1,485
Self Education expenses4%290$1,3133%9,175$1,429
Total Deductions84%5,500$2,08682%220,140$2,276
Taxable Income100%6,520$47,66599%265,595$46,447
Medicare Levy 70%4,605$89568%182,750$892
Medicare Surcharge 1%50$9651%2,585$1,294
Gross Tax 81%5,300$10,78179%212,075$10,781
Net Tax 74%4,830$11,95372%191,395$12,055
Average Tax 100%6,545 $8,821100%267,040 $8,640
Gross Tax Rate 81%5,300 23%79%212,075 23%
Net Tax Rate 74%4,830 25%72%191,395 26%
Average Tax Rate 100%6,545 19%100%267,040 19%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.