Bunbury (WA) Population

In 2011 there were 65608 people living in Bunbury. 49.7% are male and 50.3% are female. Bunbury has a population of 1690 indigenous people.

Bunbury Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females8671.3%
Indigenous Males8231.3%
Indigenous Population16902.6%
Females born in Australia2465937.6%
Males born in Australia2390636.4%
People born in Australia4856574.0%
Female Population3302250.3%
Male Population3258649.7%
Total Population65608100%

Bunbury (WA) Population Pyramid

Bunbury Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 424813.8%22863.5%47677.3%
5 - 1447847.3%46457.1%942914.4%
15 - 1923913.6%22003.4%45917.0%
20 - 2420883.2%19953.0%40836.2%
25 - 3443746.7%43746.7%874813.3%
35 - 4445807.0%48477.4%942714.4%
45 - 5446087.0%46597.1%926714.1%
55 - 6436485.6%37365.7%738411.3%
65 - 7421333.3%22073.4%43406.6%
75 - 8411331.7%14632.2%25964.0%