Warrnambool (VIC) Population

In 2011 there were 32380 people living in Warrnambool. 48.4% are male and 51.6% are female. Warrnambool has a population of 498 indigenous people.

Warrnambool Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2390.7%
Indigenous Males2590.8%
Indigenous Population4981.5%
Females born in Australia1465045.2%
Males born in Australia1366242.2%
People born in Australia2831287.4%
Female Population1671451.6%
Male Population1566648.4%
Total Population32380100%

Warrnambool (VIC) Population Pyramid

Warrnambool Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 410913.4%10283.2%21196.5%
5 - 1421946.8%21076.5%430113.3%
15 - 1913014.0%11533.6%24547.6%
20 - 2411043.4%10993.4%22036.8%
25 - 3418495.7%19245.9%377311.7%
35 - 4419876.1%21616.7%414812.8%
45 - 5420686.4%23027.1%437013.5%
55 - 6418545.7%19876.1%384111.9%
65 - 7411853.7%13574.2%25427.9%
75 - 847672.4%10553.3%18225.6%